Saturday, September 18, 2010

Misty's wedding

Wayne and I went to Vegas a couple of weeks ago for Misty's wedding. It was a beautiful ceremony and she was a beautiful bride. She is so Happy! Yay. Love you Misty!

Another bird, this time comes into the house!

So another bird story. This one was found in the garage, and then he flew into the house. He has such a pretty color, yes? I held him for a few minutes to calm him down.... and just cause I could.... and then I took him out on the front porch and let him go on the robins nest. He is so pretty, anyone know what kind of bird he is?

Bo in Utah

It was so nice to have Bo move to Utah to take a class. He'll only be here for the quarter or semester, but I'll take what I can get. He already has a job, and okay, I don't see him lots, but every chance I can get I'll take. He is a good man! Mama is glad to have him here!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Nana's yard presents the water lilly and the baby garter snake. We've had problems with neighborhood children coming into our yard to catch snakes (when we aren't around). Now they want to hang us for breeding snakes (huh?) and putting the world in danger? Ha! Okay then.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

more flowers

So here are some pond flowers and a more flowers around my yard. I really am amazed at the variety and beauty of flowers. I am so very grateful for them!


I really love freckles on children, and on flowers. Isn't this lilly pretty? It faces down, so is very unique. Did I mention I love freckles?

The ones that made it

So, I did lose some of the babies on our porch, but two survived and are getting ready to fly the coup. Ugly, ugly nest, but the markings on these Swallows are quite pretty! I hope you don't get bored with my pictures!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Grandmothers quilt

My sister Cyndee is holding a project in her hands that I have been working on for a good two years... some of that just thinking how in the world to even start it! My Mom's mom pieced this quilt many years ago (I know, because she died when I was still a girl). I found out that Cyndee had it for over 30 years! She didn't have time to finish it-- so she decided that I could do it for her! Oh well, Cyndee now knows that her sister Pam loves her! This took me so long that there can be no question of that! Someone had washed it (a mystery as to who) and it had fallen apart! So I restitched it, and then found fabric for the back, and then had a very talented lady I know machine quilt it. Then I bound it, and this weekend gave it to my sister. I think she liked it!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

The baby swallow

Today I went out on my front porch, where way up by the rafters, swallows have made their mud nest. Anyhow, one tiny baby had fallen out and down 10 feet onto the concrete... and was still alive! I picked it up, took some pictures, then got my ladder and standing on the top (something you aren't supposed to do) I put it back into it's nest. Now could be, I shouldn't have. Sometimes mama birds scoot out sick babies, or babies that will not survive because of physical limitations. But I couldn't just hold onto it until it died, that felt too inhumane. So what would you have done?

Monday, June 7, 2010

Happy Birthday Cael!

I chose this pic to post for Cael because it shows how curious he is, and unafraid. Yes, it's only a cow, and there is a fence, but all by himself he gets pretty close. Happy Birthday little man. Nana sure does love this little boy!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Mama Robin and her baby?

Well, Wayne finally got a picture of Mama Robin, she sure didn't want us to be near her babies. They are cute, but don't even resemble the alien creatures they were. They are flying a short distance, and are pretty quick to get away. Mama was pretty upset at Wayne. The babies are very vulnerable, and a cat has been lurking around so a neighbor says... babies, please be careful! This is a picture one of the babies.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

More on the baby robin's

Well, I told you they were getting cuter, they look almost too big for the nest to me.

Monday, May 31, 2010

The Robin

So Wayne was feeding his fish, and I spot this robin, relentless... she did this a dozen times before we got her on video and was still doing it later. It was fun to watch. Hope you enjoy!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

eyes are open...

I was excited to see little eyes, he looked at me, but was just too tired to keep em open. I think they're starting to be cuter!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Still not so attractive, but very interesting!

So here they are just a couple days later. They're starting to get feathers on their wings, but their eyes aren't open. So I wonder when they start looking cute. The mother is a gorgeous robin!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

New little alien creatures

Loyce said I needed to show all the stages, even those that look pretty scary, so please don't run away, little robins aren't so pretty their first few days of life!

Friday, May 21, 2010

A new grandson!

Meet my newest grandson. Cody Christian Galyan. He was born on May 20th, 2010, he was 7 lbs, 11 ozs. 19 and a quarter inches long. I can't wait to see him, and hold him, and give him lots of loves. I love you Galyan family!
This makes four grandsons and four grand daughters. He makes us symetrical. Then it'll be up to Bo to change that. No hurry Bo.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Our Front Porch

As many people know, we have had swallows for the past three years build a nest on our front porch (way up high), but now, on the big wreath, a robin has built her nest. Aren't the eggs beautiful? I really love that blue!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

one of those moments

All of us have had them, right? I'm at school, but my students have gone home. Wayne texts me and ask me to call him ASAP, so I did. He doesn't answer, and so I go about my work. We have a retirement party, and I set my phone on the table by me (usually I put it in my bra if I don't have a pocket). So my phone starts to ring, and I walk quietly out of the room to answer it. I can't figure out why it is becoming fainter. I get out and reach into my 'pocket' and it isn't there. Then I remember I put it on the table!!! As I walk back into the room, everyone is looking at me like I lost it! I have! Oh how I do blunder!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Bo's Graduation

So after the photo shoot, Bo went cliff diving wearing his gown. He could not just use the gown once. Waste not, want not! His cohort is Jansen of course. She is fearless! Such fun!

A big jump for joy! We went out to the point for some pics and I just love this one! You are amazing Bo!

Here is Bo... I am so very proud of this man! College is certainly not easy, but he stuck with it, and now he is a college graduate! I love you Bo!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

six snakes a-sunnin

I only caught one of them. This happened before it snowed. Do snakes go back into hibernation? It was so amazing, this snake did not even move when I reached out and caught him. But when I let him go, and he'd had time to warm up in our house, he was very fast. I like having snakes in our yard because then we don't get mice. We find them in our fishpond at times, trying to catch some fish for dinner, but we don't know if they've ever caught anything.

Is this Spring?

So here we thought we were in spring, we had flowers blooming, robins hanging out, and snakes coming out into the yard to sun themselves. Then we get another 6 inches of the beautiful white stuff. Do I care? Not at all! We are going to Hawaii to see Bo graduate from BYU Hawaii in just two day!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

...and they open

Isn't it a pretty little thing? Just these two opened up, but I think it's so pretty. God surely made so much beauty for the pleasure of man. I am thankful for God's creations.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Just getting started

I guess I'm doing this just for me, to keep my journal going, to write every day. I am taking a writing class right now, and he has encouraged us to write every day. I don't know that I can do that as faithfully as he says, but I'm going to give it a go. I find that writing helps me to think more clearly, and that is no ease job. I have inattentive ADD, and my thoughts are all over the place. As a teacher I think that helps me understand what is going on with so many of my students.
This is my garden, it doesn't look like much, but shortly it will be full of beautiful flowers. It's something that brings me happiness. That and family. I will be adding pictures of my Mom and Dad and my siblings, as well as my children and grandchildren.