Monday, May 31, 2010

The Robin

So Wayne was feeding his fish, and I spot this robin, relentless... she did this a dozen times before we got her on video and was still doing it later. It was fun to watch. Hope you enjoy!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

eyes are open...

I was excited to see little eyes, he looked at me, but was just too tired to keep em open. I think they're starting to be cuter!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Still not so attractive, but very interesting!

So here they are just a couple days later. They're starting to get feathers on their wings, but their eyes aren't open. So I wonder when they start looking cute. The mother is a gorgeous robin!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

New little alien creatures

Loyce said I needed to show all the stages, even those that look pretty scary, so please don't run away, little robins aren't so pretty their first few days of life!

Friday, May 21, 2010

A new grandson!

Meet my newest grandson. Cody Christian Galyan. He was born on May 20th, 2010, he was 7 lbs, 11 ozs. 19 and a quarter inches long. I can't wait to see him, and hold him, and give him lots of loves. I love you Galyan family!
This makes four grandsons and four grand daughters. He makes us symetrical. Then it'll be up to Bo to change that. No hurry Bo.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Our Front Porch

As many people know, we have had swallows for the past three years build a nest on our front porch (way up high), but now, on the big wreath, a robin has built her nest. Aren't the eggs beautiful? I really love that blue!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

one of those moments

All of us have had them, right? I'm at school, but my students have gone home. Wayne texts me and ask me to call him ASAP, so I did. He doesn't answer, and so I go about my work. We have a retirement party, and I set my phone on the table by me (usually I put it in my bra if I don't have a pocket). So my phone starts to ring, and I walk quietly out of the room to answer it. I can't figure out why it is becoming fainter. I get out and reach into my 'pocket' and it isn't there. Then I remember I put it on the table!!! As I walk back into the room, everyone is looking at me like I lost it! I have! Oh how I do blunder!